Saturday, December 12, 2009

Greening Your Christmas

I thought I'd take a break from the government and write a bit on how you can green your holiday season. Luckily, some of the things you can do to make your Christmahanukwanzaakah more sustainable are also more affordable. I am actually really looking forward to this holiday season more than I normally am because this year we're all forced to slow it down a bit, not buy so many things, and *gasp* enjoy our friends and family. I hope that this will show people that they don't need to buy tons of stuff to have a great holiday.

First of all, the tree.

  • This year, I'm going to buy an evergreen in a pot and reuse it every year. Sure my upfront cost might be a bit more but this will have a 2-3 year payback period. Not bad if you ask me and that doesn't even include the improved air quality from my live tree.
  • Second, I'm using LED lights; they use 80-90% less energy and they last so much longer. To give my house the extra holiday cheer, I can just go for a walk in the woods and collect fallen evergreen branches. Winter often brings wind so fallen branches are easy to find.
Next, gifts.
  • You know, regifting really isn't that bad as long as the gift is something the other person would like. Did you get a gift at the office party that isn't quite you? Is it perfect for Cousin Johnny? Go ahead and give it to him. It's better than sitting in your closet for years to come.
  • Make something. That's right, get out the glue stick and craft something. We all have a creative bone in our body. Use it.
  • Cook something. Banana bread, lasagna for them to put in the freezer, cookies, get the drift. For extra points cook something delicious and healthy to combat that holiday poundage.
  • Coupons. Who wouldn't want to have one free massage, kitchen cleaning, taxes done, sitter service, photo session? You have a talent to offer, so offer it.
  • Instead of buying each other gifts, spend the money on an experience together. A possibility that I highly recommend is going to see the Nutcracker. Seattle has the best one I've ever seen.
  • Wrap your presents in fabric so it can be reused every year. Check out this blog for a great How-To. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
  • Buy cool board games that can be played with the family rather than watching energy sucking (you and the grid) TV.
Most importantly, be conscious of your spending and instead, take the time to enjoy your family. You may be delighted to find you actually have fun with them!

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